Thursday, December 23, 2004


I recently bought an LG G1500 mobile phone. Walking into the mobile-phone dealer, I said to a salesperson, "Please show me a phone with basic features" which translated to hassle-free conversing and SMSing. The bloke there thought I was one of those congenital BPL guys who just graduated to an acceptable position in the society (by virtue of which cellphone becomes a necessity). I couldn't help myself looking around casually to see what people looked for. The "basic" model I asked for was stashed away in some faraway corner of the shop away from all the glare and limelight. Businessmen, Software engineers (If somebody talks in half-baked American accent with lots of grammatical errors...well he could be none other than our recently-from-Western-hemisphere-techie-pal with lotsa dollars and negligible indigenous analytical capability. But the salespersons love them just for the breezy entertainment), house-wives, college students all crowding over latest models of mobile phones. I heard a housewife rejecting a model saying that the FM played in the model is mono! (Housewife since she chose to inform the salesperson so). Gawd! I thought. What are these people after? Cellphones have quickly progressed from being a tool for communication to being tools of expressing your stature,spending capacity(audacity), your "cool"ness index and what more and what not? Add to it a dash of spice, sleaze and all other things possible with a camera in your cellphone and you have a dangerous concoction of Peeping Toms, creatures of the night, who lurk with their 100g pieces of innovation to "catch" people off-guard.

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