Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Of Blood groups and grades...

I was 12 then. The doctor looked at the report as I glanced at my little thumb to see if I could still see the spot where they pricked it to suck my blood out. No. This is no vampire story. Rather, this was in some "Srinivasa Lab", some 2 streets away from home where I had my blood sampled for classification a couple of days before. The doctor smiled and said, "B negative. Rare group". I felt on top of the world. I thought I belong to the privileged group of people to have been bestowed with this rare "bloody" gift.

Back here in ISB it didn't take me too long to realise that my association with "B-" was destined to go beyond my blood group. May be now I have a reason for those little letters in my grade card that seem to reinforce my blood group many times over for no good reason. Interestingly, it can be scientifically proved that B- does not mix well with the A groups - A- or A+ - again not very far from the reality here either. One peek into my immediate friends' grade sheets should suffice to prove that.

Bad grades? After all it is in your blood. Blame that!


Ramaa Iyer said...

Think of junta who have AB+..Mixed grades??

Venkat said...

What about those with Cs and Ds? There are no such bloodgroups. Lets call them bloodless---or say that every drop of their blood has been sucked---

Krishnan said...

yeah...bloody unlucky guys

Anonymous said...

why are you cribbing about grades? ...reminds me of a certain person you claim to detest :)


Ayshu said...

:-)))))))so much for b+ and b-...what abt ab-??