Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Of Maamis and Multiple Regressions…

Here is an MBA’ish approach to understanding the enigmatic Indian matchmaking exercise:

Few fundaes:

A search good is one whose quality can be ascertained by inspection. Experience goods are ones which you need to buy and experience before you get a hang of the product and quality. Credence goods are ones which you can never get a hang of (life insurance – the pre-requisite to test its quality is that you should be dead!).

One of the fundamental axioms in branding is that Branding (“B” intentional) a product works only for experience and credence goods and NOT for search goods.

Armed with this background, let us dive into the crux: Is your match a search, experience, or credence good? The insight is that Indian matchmaking exercise signals that it is an experience/credence good. (Sometimes it does turn out to be credence good – remember the life insurance example?).

Indians seem to have mastered this art of leveraging brands as signals and use family status, caste, native and a hundred other such unbelievable “brand attributes” as signals to the quality of the match. Embedded in the heads of all the maamis is a complex multiple regression equation with the right slopes for all the above said (and unsaid) attributes to arrive at the utility score of a prospective match – an exercise they often execute with alarming ease under water taps, temples, street corners and other such places conducive for a nice little chat/gossip. The exchange and evaluation of variables, model fitting, finding outliers, clustering and pairing – all take place at a pace which would make Google servers shut down in shame for the sheer dexterity in handling volumes of data. Just as many other things, I think the discovery and application of many statistical techniques to arrive at “life-changing solutions” were wrongly attributed to an over-the-roof-midnight-oil-burning freak in some US university while our modest maamis were doing it for ages without any silicon paraphernalia.


Guru said...

Whats with your new interest in matrimonial sites ...huh ???

Vinay Pandey said...

Nice observation!

looks like the maamis have come up with a 'relevant hit' for u :)
....and with the ISB Branding, I'm sure yr 'PageRank' in the Maami search Engine has been optimized .....

Ramaa Iyer said...

What's happening?And howcome the eternal Mr.Busy bee has found sometime to ponder over all these :)

Venkat said...

i have a business idea. Lets tie up with tamilmatrimony guys and sell them this regression idea. Basically, every profile on the site would have regression coefficients---and the online software would allow the person searching to find his/her own coefficients or "line of best fit" So basically you plug in numbers into the line equation and the software would show you a two minute video of your " prospective" married life. Select the one you like the best (best fitting line) ---We'll be rich.

PS: I am not drunk.