1. Barbers prefer the pavement over a street-side shop to render their services,
2. Bus drivers are generous to take their vehicles to the pavement and not just restrict them to roads
3. AC restaurants run the AC in "fan" mode even when the outside temperature is a balmy 43 degrees
4. Cycle rickshaws (hitherto believed extinct in S.India) outnumber autos 100:1.
5. Bullock carts (and sometimes Bullocks) move on the fast lane in the highways.
6. You can announce a ransom of Rs 1000 to anybody who spots public transport and rest assured that it'll be eons before he comes back to you for the claim
7. You find little difference between the terrorists portrayed Hindi films and mid-noon scooter drivers as far as appearance is concerned
I think I'll be constantly appending to the list in the coming days. I sign-off with this excellent license agreement from Wordweb:
Welcome to the WordWeb dictionary-thesaurus.
All users may use WordWeb for 30 days for evaluation purposes. After 30 days it may freely be used only if you personally:
- Take at most 4 flights (2 return flights) in any 12 month period
- AND do not own an SUV (sports utility vehicle).
Oh well Jeena isika naam hai :) you'll get used to it Krishna
welcome to noida.....
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