Monday, May 01, 2006

What is in a name?

Well. Here is a photo taken on one of our classmate's B'day. Understanding that, given the time-constraints of a typical B-school, you will have hardly any time to devote to personal hygiene, the founding batch students of ISB spearheaded the practice of giving the B'day boy/gal, a once-in-the-year chance of a "total bath", a practice commonly referred to as "dunking". The current batch looks religiously devoted to this tradition and the picture bears a testimonial to this.

But wait! There's something wrong in the picture! There was only one person "scheduled" to be dunked then. The other one was an impromptu. Wonder what triggered it?

Here is a typical reconstruction of what w(c)ould have happened:

(On the pool side...I must mention that the lights went off and the bloke who got dunked was right there, on the edge)

Somebody: Hi there! What's your name?

Pushkar Thakur: Push-kar yaar

The rest, as they say, is history. With a name like this, I reckon you have a life-long obligation not to idenify yourself aloud when you are "on the edge". May lead to drastic consequences!

Yawn. Time to debit some water into my system , credit some **** and incur some sleep (man, am I going insane?)