Friday, July 21, 2006


Term-2 has ended. It went past like a bazooka...and landed not far away. Our Optimisation professor thought that the stress we were subjected to was not enough and performed the Coup de Grace with the only lever he could pull - The End-term paper. That was a damn good pull for the only chance he had!

Am here, lazing through my term-break. Finished a long-pending title and was charming myself with the writings of V.S.Naipaul. I just love this guy for his no-nonsense writing. Just look at the paragraph below. This is his comment on the "Vendor of sweets" by R.K.Narayan:

The sweet-vendor is Jagan, a rich man, conscientiously adding every day to his money hoard at home (the 'black money' of India), but a Gandhian, a faddist, a man obsessed with the idea of purity. He is fair with his customers; he cheats only the government of the country for whose sake, in the British days, he endured police beatings and imprisonment in an unsanitary jail. If Gandhi had said somewhere, "Pay your sales tax uncomplainingly," he would have followed his advice, but Gandhi had made no reference to the sales tax anywhere to Jagan's knowledge.

I was grinning. So true!

(I also saw a Tam flick. Apart from the fact that it proved to be momentous waste of time, I prefer to say no further)

Back to lazing

1 comment:

Ramaa Iyer said...

Shudda asked me before u started watching :)